Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

Individual training in vocal technique and its application to diverse vocal literature styles.

Student Outcomes

● To stimulate awareness of the structure and functioning of the singing instrument. ● To develop the vocal technique of the student’s range, tessitura, breath management, ease of phonation, flexibility, body awareness. ● To build a challenging song repertoire appropriate to the student’s level of vocal technique. ● To encourage musicianship, research, discipline, independence, and deliberate practice. ● To learn about and practice vocal and mental wellness and resilience. ● Sing, from memory, the required number of contrasting pieces in different The minimum repertoire requirements vary by school year and degree type. ● Perform in front of a jury/audience with artistry, which includes: stage presence (good posture and attitude), clear diction, awareness of varied repertoire styles, and a reliable vocal technique. ● Develop and work toward goals set at the beginning of the semester.
