Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course is designed to introduce you to music teaching in secondary general music contexts, including grades 7-12. We will explore a range of pedagogical approaches, and you’ll both develop lesson plans and practice-teach frequently. You’ll leave this course with a collection of content for a future secondary general music class, and inspiration for further study.

Student Outcomes

● Students will be able to summarize a variety of pedagogical approaches for secondary general music and identify their salient traits as evidenced by a series of online quizzes and class discussions. (INTASC #1) ● Students will be able to develop a variety of lessons for secondary general music settings that inspire students to create, and perform music using the voice, classroom instruments, accompanying instruments, and online creativity platforms as evidenced by lesson plans. (INTASC #6) ● Students will be able to demonstrate a variety of lessons for secondary general music that meet Indiana standards for music education and are age-appropriate for students in grades 7-12 as evidenced by peer teaching. (INTASC #4)
