Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

Music Entrepreneurship introduces skills, knowledge and mindsets that help musical artists develop their own career path in the current music marketplace. Through case studies of diverse musicians and their unique careers, students gain an understanding of artistic, institutional, and social issues that professional musicians consider as they navigate the field. Through three projects, students will refine their understanding of their own personal strengths, aspirations, and artistic mission, develop a portfolio of materials that communicate their story/brand to audiences through various digital media, and take tangible steps toward the kind of career they wish to have. Students will also learn about practical elements of self-managing a music career, such as contracts, budgeting, and tax preparation for musicians.

Student Outcomes

• Learn about a wide range of music career paths and models and consider their pros, cons, and accessibility. • Use an intersectional lens to analyze ways in which diverse musicians’ identities and backgrounds contribute to their career decisions and experiences. • Reflect on your own personal story, mission, and goals as a musical artist. • Gain a working knowledge of digital marketing tools and personal brand development. • Create a digital portfolio of materials reflecting your mission and brand. • Gain introd
