Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

The class is a one-semester survey of European music from the ancient Greeks to the works of Mozart and Haydn (c. 1800). The course grade is based on understanding the historical survey of the time span (exams and quizzes) and work in research and scholarly writing. Prerequisites: MUS 130, 112, and 122, or consent of instructor.

Student Outcomes

Upon successfully completing the course, you will be able to recognize, describe, and place in historical context most of the important genres and musical styles used in Western Europe up to c. 1800 and associate these genres and styles with the major composers active during this time. Your knowledge will include such things as (1) a core repertoire of significant and representative musical works, (2) a vocabulary of terms and concepts used to describe these works, (3) an internal timeline or chronology up to c. 1900 including music, history, politics, and other arts, and (4) the ability to place an unfamiliar work in its proper context by comparing it to the core knowledge you posses.
