Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

● Lectures: A certain amount of lecture will help structure our learning of technical skills and reinforce the relationship between class activities and real-world possibilities. ● Discussion: Spirited classroom dialogue is the heartbeat of our course; your participation is essential to its success. Discussions include both in-class and online dialogue. ● Projects: By taking our new understandings and putting them into practice, we complete the learning circle. We will have ongoing projects to reinforce our learning. The projects you complete will involve creative musical applications of technology.

Student Outcomes

● To gain understanding about the physical nature of sound ● To learn how the last century of technology's history has influenced the creative applications of sound ● To develop a stronger skill-set with computer-based music technology ● To develop individual and collective problem-solving skills by completing in-class challenges ● To apply the techniques and methods learned in class by creating unique musical compositions
