Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course is required for the sociology major, counts towards the social science (SS) and power, privilege, and diversity (PPD) requirement, and will survey the robust field of sociology. You will leave this course with an understanding of key sociological debates as well as the utility of thinking sociologically (regardless of whether you choose to major/minor in sociology). Over the semester, we will develop a sociological imagination that will aid in our sense-making of the world around us, such as why certain groups experience gross inequalities while others are afforded opportunities for mobility and advancement. These outcomes are not inconsequential; there are micro, meso, and macro-level sociological explanations undergirding the current inequities in society. As sociologists, we must uncover these reasons and do something to prevent them from existing. Given how expansive the field of sociology is, this course will survey several important topics of inquiry while prioritizing various forms of knowledge and multiple modes of discovery along the way. Doing so will help us understand the different functions of power, oppression, and justice in the world around us. We will also prioritize and uplift the voices, experiences, and perspectives of the folks who have been systematically marginalized and excluded in society. This will help aid in the sociological toolkit we develop.

Student Outcomes

Students will be able to: o Use the sociological imagination to differentiate between personal troubles and public issues. o Understand stratification and inequality by race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, and other important identity markers. o Interpret social interactions at the micro, meso, and macro levels. o Identify and analyze strategies that individuals and organizations have used in the past and can develop in the future to address and ameliorate social injustice.
