Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

There are three main themes for the course: observational astronomy, characteristics of the solar system, and the Earth and its relation to its space environment. Each of these themes will be visited throughout the semester (rather than following through them one after the other). Specific topics related to each theme are listed below. 1. The Solar System o The Planets, with particular emphasis on Mars, the Moon, and the Galilean moons o Comets and asteroids o The Sun o Formation of the solar system o The search for other planetary systems 2. Observational astronomy of the solar system o motion of the sun, planets, and comets o identification of constellations o observations of the moon and planets o celestial coordinate systems o systems of time 3. Earth and its space environment o the space program o exploration of the planets o Threat of asteroid/comet impact on Earth o Aurora, Earth's geomagnetic field, and the boundary between Earth and Space

Student Outcomes

1. To gain an understanding of the physical characteristics of the objects in the solar system. 2. To learn of the methods and techniques used by scientists to learn about the solar system. 3. To gain an understanding of the underlying physics concepts that are essential to planetary science. 4. To practice your quantitative reasoning, analytical, and mathematical skills. 5. To become comfortable with the kinds of calculations used by scientists in measuring and determining the properties of the objects in our solar system. 6. To obtain a basis for understanding current and future exploration of the solar system. 7. To gain an appreciation of the unique interactions between Earth, its inhabitants, and interplanetary space. 8. To gain an understanding and appreciation of the daily and yearly motion of the planets and Sun in our sky.
