Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

We fill focus on two contemporary works of philosophy - Reasons and Persons (1984), by Derek Parfit, and Stoic Wisdom (2021). This course is different from any other course you will take at DePauw in an important way: It is the only course offered at DePauw in which it is guaranteed that all of your classmates are senior philosophy majors. This feature enables us to dig more deeply into the material than in other philosophy courses; it also means that more is expected of you in the way of and independent work and original thought. This course is both an opportunity and a challenge; I encourage you to make the most of it.

Student Outcomes

(1) Articulate succinctly and with specificity, for distinct audiences, the value of your education in philosophy (2) Understand and navigate the challenges of philosophical research; (3) Produce a polished philosophy paper suitable for conference presentation or submission for publication.
