"MATH 251A Linear Algebra Balasumbramanian Fall 2024" by Suman Balasubramanian

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Publication Date

Fall 9-1-2024

Course Description

This course deals with Matrix Algebra and its applications. Topics include Vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors and applications. We will cover as much as possible from chapters 1 through 7 from Linear Algebra with Applications, by Gareth Williams, 9t h Ed. Our class meets thrice a week face to face and synchronously and will be fast paced and will cover roughly one to two sections a day.

Student Outcomes

At the end of the course students will be able to: Formulate, comprehend and create mathematical prose, proofs and arguments and gain an understanding of some aspects of abstract mathematics. Gain some experience in the art of problem solving. Identify and solve well defined problems, individually and collaboratively. Read and write solutions to problems. At the end of the course students will learn how to; Represent systems of equations as Matrix Equations and be able to solve the systems using Matrix Algebra.; Use Gaussian elimination to solve systems of linear equations.; Know more about theory of matrices pertaining (but not limited) to; Determinants,inverses,rank, dimension; LU Factorization; Diagonalization, Orthogonality, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Gram Schmidt Process; Linear Transformations, Vector Spaces, Inner Product Spaces Vector; Geometry, Innerproduct spaces, Optimization and other applications.
