"The Impact of Local Anthropogenic Activities on Soil Health within a R" by Abigail Cook '22, W. Roberts et al.



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Publication Date

Fall 2021


Americans are implementing private food gardening for food access and affordability. A report by the National Gardening Association (2020) reveals a notable increase in food gardening in the past decade among urban households, especially millennial households. These national trends reflect an increasing interest in healthy living, sustainable gardening practices, and mitigating food insecurity within communities. Nonetheless, little is being done to assess soil health, especially for soils utilized for private and community gardens. Soil contamination can harm the health of those who use contaminated soils for food gardening. Thus, this study investigates soil health within a retired farm that is situated in close proximity to a firearms range and a county highway department.

Funding and Acknowledgements

Funding: J. William Asher and Melanie J. Norton Endowed Fund in the Sciences

The Impact of Local Anthropogenic Activities on Soil Health within a Retired Farm: Implications for Urban Gardens



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