The Honor Scholar Program is open to DePauw students of any major who show unusual promise and commitment to the development of the life of the mind. Each year a small number of carefully selected first-year students are invited to participate in the program and the special opportunities it presents. During their final year at DePauw, Honor Scholars pursue independent work under the direction of a faculty thesis advisor and a committee of two or more additional faculty members, culminating in an Honors thesis.
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Experimental Archaeology and Brewing Beer: a Modern Reproduction of the "Hymn to Ninkasi", Mahayla Roscoe 20
Birtherism, Benghazi and QAnon: Why Conspiracy Theories Pose a Threat to American Democracy, Emily Schabes 20
Murder Upon Murder, Patricia Rose McKown Schuelke '20
Become What You Are: The Student Handbook to Fighting Nihilism, Jules Shinkle 20
Legitimizing the Laboratory: How Science Has Depended on Policing in Glacier Bay National Park, Cecilia R. Slane 20
White, Female Cellist: One (Very Average) Musician’s Exploration of Identity Through Jazz Pedagogy, Amelia Smerz 20
Holy Ground: A Website Project on the History of Indiana’s United Methodist Camps, Sheraya Smith 20
Children’s Autonomy and Medical Decision Making, Haley Thompson 20
Over-Medicalization and Criminalization of Birth In the United States: Exploring the Outcomes, Meg Wallace 20
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Progression of the LGBTQ+ Rights Movement in the United States: The Human Rights Campaign, Tabitha Adams 19
The Ethics of Cookies: Exploring the Collection of Big Data and Its Ramifications, Sarah Biely 19
What to Expect When You are Not Expecting: the Biological, Psychological, and Cultural Setbacks Following Infertility, Lauren Butler 19
Goals, Outcomes, and Efficacy of Music Programming in Prisons, Liam Byrnes 18
The Ethics of Single-Use Plastics, Kiara Goodwine 19
Is Breastfeeding Truly Best? Evolutionary, Physiological, & Cultural Factors That Shape Breastfeeding Practices, Emily J. Green 19
The Search for Peace Education in Spain's National Curriculum: Questioning the Presence of Race, Immigration, and Othering, Anne Grujanac 19
The Socialization Process of Masculinity, and Its Manifestation at DePauw University: How Race, Media, and Gender Contribute to the Malleability of Masculinity, Gabriella Hagedorn 19
Evolution, Health, Medicine, and the Gap in Between, Mi Jedar 19
Bringing the Past Into the Future: The Digitization of Classical Archaeology and the Trasimeno Archaeology Digital Site Museum, Rebecca Kerns 19
Memory and Narrative in the Traumatic Mode: Interlocuting Trauma in William Faulkner and Toni Morrison, Peper Langhout 19
The Future of Higher Education: How a Student's Decision to Attend College is Evolving, J. C. Lukens 19
An Untold History: The Emergence and Development of Women's Golf in Scotland and North America, 1870-1930, Larisa Luloff 19
The Dehumanization of the American Healthcare Professional: The Impact of Technology on the Ever-Evolving World of Medicine, Carli Maddock 19
Hollywood's Return to the Home: Taming the Post-World War II Career Woman, Kate Marburger 19
The Disunited Kingdom: Is the End of "Britain" Near?, Marko Mavrovic 19
Fight, Flight, Freeze: a series of short films on sexual assault, Emma Mazurek 19
Unpacking the Opioid Epidemic: Intervention Methods and Effects on Women and Children, Olivia Miller 19
Lem's Solaris and the Human Mental Ceiling, Riley Miller 19
The Short End of the Stick: The Problem with America's Education and Society Today, Arman Nazari 19
Generations of Fertility: A Bioethical and Evolutionary Analysis, Kat Panos 19
The Vocaloid Phenomenon: A Glimpse into the Future of Songwriting, Community-Created Content, Art, and Humanity, Bronson Roseboro 19
Comics in the Evolving Media Landscape, Sarah Russell 19
In the Eye of the Colonizer: The White Racial Frame of Media Coverage on Hurricane Maria, María Manuela Méndez Da Silveira 19
Evolutionary and Social Manifestations of Misled Fear: How Fear Motivates and Manipulates, Meghan Sink 19
Identifying Exceptionally Performing Third Grades in Indiana: Who Is to Blame?, Emily Troyer 19
Adventure, Intrigue, and Terror: Arabs and the Middle East in Hollywood Film Music, Grant Woods 19
A Brief Statistical Introduction of the Global Refugee problems with Data Analysis, April Yan Zhang 19
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Bach’s Passion Recitative: Theology, Accidental Placement, and Anti-Semitism Applied to Performance, Blake Beckemeyer 18
Using Persuasive Technology to Curb Alcohol Consumption on College Campuses, Jacob Bertucci 18
A Home for Hope: Examining the History, Role and Purpose of the Modern American Zoo, Lilly Burba 18
Aftershocks: Interpreting an Age of Collapse, Leopoldo Burguete Ruíz-Olloqui 18
Big Fish, Big Data: Discussing the State of Salmon and Improving King Salmon Regulation Through a Population Model, Creed Coram 18
Zoo, Alicia Cotsoradis 18
An Evolving Understanding of a Spectrum “Disorder”, Samuel C. Eads 18
Who Cries?: Tears and Otherness in the Middle Ages, Hyeree Ellis 18
Nuclear Alarmism and Climate Change Fatalism as a Secular Apocalyptic Religion, Sarah Ertelt 18
Manning Up at DePauw: Performing Fraternal Masculinity on a Liberal Arts Campus, Rachel Higson 18
Who We Are and How We Vote: Individual Difference Factors in Politics, Abby Joens-Witherow 18
Ethics and Effectiveness of Microloans for Women in Developing Countries, Elizabeth Erika Killion 18
Heart Development, Coronary Vascularization and Ventricular Maturation in a Giant Danio (Devario malabaricus), Pascal J. Lafontant, Olubusola Shifatu, Sarah Glasshagel-Chilson, Purva Patel, Wendy Tomamichel, Clay Higginbotham, Paula K. Evans, and Hannah M. Nelson