The Honor Scholar Program is open to DePauw students of any major who show unusual promise and commitment to the development of the life of the mind. Each year a small number of carefully selected first-year students are invited to participate in the program and the special opportunities it presents. During their final year at DePauw, Honor Scholars pursue independent work under the direction of a faculty thesis advisor and a committee of two or more additional faculty members, culminating in an Honors thesis.
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
“I’m Nobody! Who are you?”: Musical (Re)presentations of Emily Dickinson, Abigail Martin 18
Stories of Betsy, Rachel May 18
Interpreting Black Women’s Narratives about the Foster Care System as Counterstorytelling, Shanae Nelson 18
Belonging in This Place: Belonging in an Undergraduate University, Samantha Ostreicher 18
Processing the Unfamiliar: American Soldiers Processing Vietnam Through Photography, Anna Savery 18
Designer Babies: A Paired Analysis of the Technological Advances and Ethical Implications of Genetic Selection, Alexandra Schmerge 18
Defending University Speech Codes: An Essay on Why Universities Speech Codes Make Sense, Daniel Alexander Schultz 18
Milk For Lunch: The History and Health of Milk in School Lunches, Thomas Shelton 18
What Happens After Treatment: Improving Quality of Life in Adolescents and Young Adults, Nichole Smith 18
From Straitjackets to Jumpsuits: America's Mental Healthcare Crisis, Madeleine Storm 18
Breaking Down the 21st Century Newscast: Corporate Control Over the Content of the Local Newscast, Katie Tipsword 18
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Graduate Medical Education: Ready for Reform An Analysis of the Current State of Change in Pediatric Residencies, Mallory Benson 17
The Dark Triad of Personality: A Discussion of the Moral and Evolutionary Implications, Evelyn C. Brosius 17
The Royal Disease and The Royal Collapse: Political Effects of Hemophilia in the Royal Houses of Europe, Amy Brown 17
Light Shines Earnest, a full length play by William James Burke and Divergent Drag Aesthetics — Interrogating the Reaches of Gender and Gendered Imagery in Drag Performance, William James Burke 17
All Hail Helix: The Internet’s Role in the Creation of Culture and Narrative, Margaret Furtner 17
The Model Minority Myths: Racism And Sexism Against Asian-American Community, Yingda Guo 17
“She brought it on herself”: A Discourse Analysis of Sexual Assault in Teen Comedy Film, Claire Halffield 17
Translating the Histories: The Spanish accounts of the New World conquests adapted into English, Josh Hanselman 17
The Priest, The Mystic, and The Reincarnate: The Religious Experience of Poetry in Donne, Rumi, and The Karmapa, Mallory Hasty 17
Education or Indoctrination? World War II Ideologies Under Leaders Hitler and Mussolini - Education Systems and Propaganda Campaigns, Allison Hills 17
The Comfort Women System: Sexual Slavery during World War II, Christine Kim 17
Reaching Further: the Role of Distance in College Undermatching, Lois Miller 17
The Art of Borrowing: Intertextuality in the French Motet of the Late Middle Ages, Eleanor Price 17
Locked Up then Locked Out: Reentry Programming and Women’s Post-Carceral Success, Mary Reising 17
The Congregation of Heroes: A Skyrim Representation, Richard Smith 17
Explorations of Quantum Entanglement, John Stanton 17
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Worst Place in the World to be a Woman?: Women's Conflict Experiences in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Megan Bailey 16
Muscle Memory: Stories, Hannah N. Bradley 16
In the Light of Evolution: Human Nature, Political Behavior, and Making Sense of Our Social Identity, Corby F. Burger 16
Age-Related Hearing Loss: Inhibition--Excitation Balance in the Rat Inferior Colliculus, Sydney Cason 16
Pseudonymous Disguises: Are Pen Names An Escape From the Gender Bias in Publishing?, Nettie Finn 16
Where Does That Flower Bloom, Conner Gordon 16
Deceleration of droplets that glide along the free surface of a bath, Jacob Hale and Caleb Akers
Love and Marriage: a Narrative Exploration, Emily Hancock 16
The Method of Madness: a Brief Biography of Schizophrenia, Riley Hawkins 16
Keeping Up Appearances: Perfectionism and Perfectionistic Self-Presentation on Social Media, Emily Hellmann 16
Towards Sustainable Rural Japan: a Case Study on Urban-Rural Migration Motives, Lisa Kanai 16
Collective Action and Decision Making: An Analysis of Economic Modeling and Environmental Free-Riding, Thomas Miller 16
Bitcoin's Global Potential: Examining the Obstacles to Becoming a Legitimate Financial Tool, Nicholas J. Moorman 16
Our GMO Labeling Debate: Human Health, the Environment, and the Precautionary Principle, Kate Porfilio 16
Deep Silences in the Long Night: Meditations on Zapatismo, Coloniality, and the Global Ecological Crisis, Burke Stanton 16
The Allure of Music: Implications for Academically Gifted Students, Erin Tolar 16
Crusaders in Khaki: Britain, the Crusades, and the First World War, Rhys Weber 16
Consuming Culture: Effects of Globalization in American Japanese Restaurants, Danielle Wenning 16
Genetic Analysis and the Ethics of Secondary Findings, Jacob Zieba 16
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Christianity and Communicative Technologies: A Focus on Cyber-Catholicism’s Influence on Political Activism in the US, Brandon Bekkering 15
A Five Million Year Old Experiment: The Evolutionary Dynamics of a Cave Environment, Tyler Bussian 15