Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

Senior Projects is a multi-faceted course which includes consistent dedication to the creation of a new body of artistic work and preparation of this work for exhibition. Students will hone their ideas in the form of project proposals/presentations, artist statements, and a gallery talk. Students will also create an artist’s portfolio for professional purposes. The seminar provides time for direct faculty interaction and critical exploration of the student’s main concepts and ideas within their art practice. It is an intense studio experience and is designed primarily to prepare senior art studio majors for the senior exhibition, to help students develop critical dialogue about their work and to explore professional pursuits in the arts.

Student Outcomes

At the completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • LOCATE YOUR OWN WORK WITHIN THE HISTORY OF ART: sophisticated research methods in support of your concept, identify artists and artistic movements that support your own work
  • MASTER CRAFTSMANSHIP: master discipline-specific tools, materials, and techniques, work to your strengths
  • CONVINCE US WITH YOUR CONVICTION: effective studio habits, strong work ethic, commitment of time to your practice
  • IDENTIFY YOUR OWN BEST WORK: edit and evaluate your own work
  • MAKE ART THAT MATTERS: make art from an authentic place with your own voice, be of your own time (be contemporary, not derivative), create art with layers of meaning
  • EFFECTIVELY CRITIQUE ARTWORK: contribute meaningful and supported criticism, successfully cite the work of other artists, understand how to process critical comments
