"FREN 102B Elementary French II Klaus Spring 2024" by Carrie Klaus

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

What is Global French Studies? DePauw’s program in Global French Studies (GFS) brings contemporary approaches to the study of the languages, cultures, literatures, and histories of French-speaking countries and regions throughout the world. While building the linguistic skills necessary to communicate confidently and effectively in French, students also consider such topics as post-colonial and urban identities, gender and sexuality, and politics.

Student Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to do the following : - Talk and write about free-time activities, climate and weather, parties, clothing, travel, home, household tasks, food, daily routines, and health (in French) - Narrate past events, give instructions, and make comparisons (in French) - Identify and discuss some issues of interest in the francophone (French-speaking) world today (in French or in a language in which you have greater comfort) - Compare issues in the francophone world with issues in the U.S. and/or in other countries and regions with which you are familiar (in French or in another language)
