Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

This course combines basic elements of Music Theory with Piano Technique, providing the students with the skills and knowledge for a sufficient understanding and utilization of the piano as a tool for their musical development. This second semester of Class Piano course is designed to continue the reinforcement of the Music Theory concepts while making piano beginners capable to play solo repertoire, develop sight-reading skills, accompany themselves as well as collaborate with others, and expand their musical knowledge through this easily accessible instrument.

Student Outcomes

Students will be expected to end this semester being able to master the following aspects: - Play all scales, major and minors, in black and white keys, Pentatonics, Chromatic, Whole Tone, Blues Scale. - Recognize and play broken and block triads, chords and arpeggios. - Dominate chord symbols, harmonize, and create basic improvisation. - Sight read simple piano music. - Play simple solo piano repertoire with good posture and technique.
