Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024

Course Description

School of Music Convocation serves as a weekly meeting where students can hone their performance skills in front of a supportive audience and allows students to learn from the performances of their peers and guest artists. Additionally, this time is a chance for the School of Music to come together as a community. The concert attendance requirement helps instill an awareness of the value and importance musicians place on being active listeners and attentive audience members. To take part as a member of the audience in the live performances of one’s peers and mentors is a crucial step in becoming an educated musician. As such, students are encouraged to attend a variety of musical events. All music majors pursuing the Bachelor of Music (B.M.), Bachelor of Music Education (B.M.E.), and Bachelor of Musical Arts (B.M.A.) must enroll in MUS 001 (Concert Attendance, 0 credit) each semester in residence. Candidates pursuing a Music Major leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree must register for MUS 001 each semester in residence after the music major has been declared. Students declaring the minor in music must register for four semesters of concert attendance. Musicians in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and School of Business and Leadership declaring a jazz minor must register for two semesters of concert attendance.

Student Outcomes

As a result of this course, students will: • Gain awareness, knowledge, and understanding of a broad selection of musical styles and genres by attending live performances; • Deepen their awareness of the relationship between experience, knowledge, and culture in making musical value judgments; • Demonstrate a history of active listening and evaluation of live music in which historical knowledge, listening acuity, and other musical skills developed and learned in pursuit of their musical studies are regularly exercised; and, • Build a lifelong habit of attending performances and contributing to the overall musical life at DePauw University School of Music.
