Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Faculty publications | Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | DePauw University


Submissions from 2022


Celebrating Fifty Years of Feminist Studies: Notes of Appreciation from Authors, Christina Holmes, Heather Berg, Elora Hadim Chowdhury, and et al.


Environmental Issues in Latinx Studies, Christina Holmes and Mayra Leon Coss

Submissions from 2021


“Feminist Approaches to Environmentalism: Ecofeminism, Ecowomanism, and Borderlands Environmentalism.” In Feminist and Queer Theory: An Intersectional and Transnational Reader, Christina Holmes


“Theorizing Ecofeminist Intersectionalities and their Implications for Feminist Teachers.” In Mapping Gendered Ecologies, Christina Holmes


“Teaching and Learning Gendered Ecologies across the Curriculum.” In Mapping Gendered Ecologies, Christina Holmes, Hall Melchor, Gwyn Kirk, and Yvonne A. Braun

Submissions from 2015


An Evening with Emily Dickinson, Meryl Altman

Submissions from 2010


The Grand Rectification: Review of The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir, translated by Constance Borde and Sheila Malovany-Chevallier., Meryl Altman

Submissions from 2009


παρθενοι to Watch Out For? Looking at Female Couples in Vase-Painting and Lyric, Meryl Altman

Submissions from 2008


Seeking a Usable Past: Review of Feeling Backward: Loss and the Politics of Queer History by Heather Love., Meryl Altman

Submissions from 2006


Sappho's Lost Sessions, Meryl Altman


Why I Read: Review of Mother Tongues: Sexuality, Trials, Motherhood, Translation by Barbara Johnson, Meryl Altman

Submissions from 2004


Less Cool, More Light: Review of Cool Men and the Second Sex by Susan Fraiman., Meryl Altman


Looking for Sappho: Review of Sappho's Leap by Erica Jong, The Sappho History by Margaret Reynolds, and If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho by Anne Carson., Meryl Altman

Submissions from 2002


Lives on the Line: Review of Sleeping with Cats: A Memoir by Marge Piercy and Heartbreak: The Political Memoir of a Feminist Militant by Andrea Dworkin., Meryl Altman

Submissions from 2001


Sexual Politics: Review of My Dangerous Desires: A Queer Girl Dreaming Her Way Home by Amber L. Hollibaugh., Meryl Altman


The Age of Anxiety: Review of Mother Millett by Kate Millett., Meryl Altman

Submissions from 2000


Reality Check: Review of What is a Woman? And Other Essays by Toril Moi., Meryl Altman

Submissions from 1999


The Complexity of Complicity: Review of Thinking Fascism: Sapphic Modernism and Fascist Modernity by Erin G. Carlston., Meryl Altman

Submissions from 1998


Critical Success: Review of Dwelling in Possibility: Women Poets and Critics on Poetry edited by Yopie Prins and Maaera Shreiber., Meryl Altman


More Nice Jewish Girls: Review of Beyond the Pale by Elana Dykewomon and The Escape Artist by Judith Katz., Meryl Altman

Submissions from 1997


Chic at a Price: Review of The History of Lesbian Hair and Other Tales of Bent Life in a Straight World by Mary Dugger, Lesbianism Made Easy by Helen Eisenbach, So You Want to Be a Lesbian? A Guide for Amateurs and Professionals by Liz Tracey and Sydney Pokorny, Roberts' Rules of Lesbian Living by Shelly Roberts, Born Gay: Images and Reflections of an Ordinary Lesbian by Jan Phillips, and Nothing But the Girl: The Blatant Lesbian Image edited by Susie Bright and Jill Posener., Meryl Altman

Submissions from 1994


Reconstructive Criticism: Review of Sexual Practice, Textual Theory: Lesbian Cultural Criticism edited by Susan J. Wolfe and Julia Penelope., Meryl Altman

Submissions from 1992


Book Review Of: Making Sex: Body and Gender From the Greeks to Freud by Thomas Laqueur., Meryl Altman and Keith Nightenhelser

Submissions from 1991


Song of the Skirt, Meryl Altman


The Rage for Disorder: Review of Pink Guitar: Writing as Feminist Practice by Rachel Blau DuPlessis., Meryl Altman

Submissions from 1990


Uneasy Understandings: Review of Upstairs in the Garden: Poems Selected and New 1968-1988 by Robin Morgan, A Few Words in the Mother Tongue: Poems Selected and New (1971-1990) by Irena Klepfisz, Giacometti's Dog by Robin Becker, and History and Geography by Judith Barrington., Meryl Altman