Content Posted in 2018
“2889” vs. “2890”, Arthur B. Evans
Accuracy, Verisimilitude, and Scoring Rules, Jeffrey Dunn
Aftershocks: Interpreting an Age of Collapse, Leopoldo Burguete Ruíz-Olloqui 18
A Home for Hope: Examining the History, Role and Purpose of the Modern American Zoo, Lilly Burba 18
An Evolving Understanding of a Spectrum “Disorder”, Samuel C. Eads 18
Bach’s Passion Recitative: Theology, Accidental Placement, and Anti-Semitism Applied to Performance, Blake Beckemeyer 18
Belonging in This Place: Belonging in an Undergraduate University, Samantha Ostreicher 18
Big Fish, Big Data: Discussing the State of Salmon and Improving King Salmon Regulation Through a Population Model, Creed Coram 18
Breaking Down the 21st Century Newscast: Corporate Control Over the Content of the Local Newscast, Katie Tipsword 18
China’s Education, Curriculum Knowledge and Cultural Inscriptions: Dancing with the Wind, Derek Ford
Defending University Speech Codes: An Essay on Why Universities Speech Codes Make Sense, Daniel Alexander Schultz 18
Designer Babies: A Paired Analysis of the Technological Advances and Ethical Implications of Genetic Selection, Alexandra Schmerge 18
Manning Up at DePauw: Performing Fraternal Masculinity on a Liberal Arts Campus, Rachel Higson 18
Ethics and Effectiveness of Microloans for Women in Developing Countries, Elizabeth Erika Killion 18
“Ever to the Right”?: The Political Life of 1776 in the Nixon Era, Elissa Harbert
From Désert to Patrie: Marguerite de Navarre’s Lessons from the New World, Carrie F. Klaus
From Straitjackets to Jumpsuits: America's Mental Healthcare Crisis, Madeleine Storm 18
Generalization of the Hybrid Logistic Model For More Than One Rare Risk Factor, Mamunur Rashid
Heart Development, Coronary Vascularization and Ventricular Maturation in a Giant Danio (Devario malabaricus), Pascal J. Lafontant, Olubusola Shifatu, Sarah Glasshagel-Chilson, Purva Patel, Wendy Tomamichel, Clay Higginbotham, Paula K. Evans, and Hannah M. Nelson
Hegel on Christianity in the Phenomenology of Spirit, Daniel E. Shannon
“I’m Nobody! Who are you?”: Musical (Re)presentations of Emily Dickinson, Abigail Martin 18
Interpreting Black Women’s Narratives about the Foster Care System as Counterstorytelling, Shanae Nelson 18
Let’s Put Demography Back into Economics: Population Pyramids in Excel, Humberto Barreto
Leveraging Synergy Between Database and Programming Language Courses, Brian T. Howard
Maroon Archaeology Beyond the Americas: A View From Kenya, Lydia Wilson Marshall
Milk For Lunch: The History and Health of Milk in School Lunches, Thomas Shelton 18
Nuclear Alarmism and Climate Change Fatalism as a Secular Apocalyptic Religion, Sarah Ertelt 18
On the Freedom to be Opaque Monsters: Communist Pedagogy, Aesthetics, and the Sublime, Derek Ford
Pedagogy of the ‘not’: Negation, Exodus, and Postdigital Temporal Regimes, Derek Ford
Processing the Unfamiliar: American Soldiers Processing Vietnam Through Photography, Anna Savery 18
Queer Communist Study: The Sinthomostudier Against The Capital-debt-learning Regime, Derek R. Ford
Stories of Betsy, Rachel May 18
The English Translations of Jules Verne's Le Château des Carpathes, Arthur B. Evans
The Puzzle in Babrius's Prologue, Kristin Mann
Toward an educational sphereology: Air, wind, and materialist pedagogy, Derek R. Ford
Using Persuasive Technology to Curb Alcohol Consumption on College Campuses, Jacob Bertucci 18
What Happens After Treatment: Improving Quality of Life in Adolescents and Young Adults, Nichole Smith 18
Who Cries?: Tears and Otherness in the Middle Ages, Hyeree Ellis 18
Who We Are and How We Vote: Individual Difference Factors in Politics, Abby Joens-Witherow 18
Womb Heat versus Sperm Heat: Hippocrates against Galen and Ibn Sīnā in Ibn al- Nafīs’s Commentaries, Nahyan Fancy
Zoo, Alicia Cotsoradis 18