Content Posted in 2025
$4 Time, Riley Ray Chirando
A Boundary, Jared Howe
A Buddhist Perspective on Ethics, Paul Watt
A Conversation with Gibson, Dali, and Leyner, Andre Monserrat
Acorn on a Rope, Melissa Steach
An All American City, Dyan Padgett
Analyzing Social and Cultural Expectations for Women in the 20th Century Through the May Day Festival at DePauw University, Megan McClaren '25
An American Disease: A Look at Racism at DePauw, Brit Gilman
A Southern Pyre, Brent Johnson
Aubade: Chimney Rock, Marnie McInnes
Ayler's Still Alive, Steve Wright
Back Cover: Harvest Moon, Melissa Steach
Bath Baby, Jane Sudlow
Battle for the Bell, Scott MacGregor
Big Brother, Aly Willman
Blue at Nine O'Clock, Sarah Martin
Blue Saturday, Eric Habig
Bridges, Amanda Southerland
Building Bridges for Dialogue: A Multi-Faceted Approach to Deliberative Moral and Civic Education for All, Alex Richardson and Delaney Thull Verjinski
Campus View: A Letter to the DePauw Conservative, Whitanya Alexander
Campus View: Cervical Cancer: A Candid Disclosure, Lara Ellen Dose
Chalk Outline, Marie Gurnon
Charcoal Ladies, Kaylynn Gropp
Coffee House, Kevin Waltman
Comet Tail Suicide, Jill Brocksmith
Coming of the Fall, Lynn Wachtman
Cultural Encyclopedia of LSD, Second Edition, Wayne Glausser
DePauw Women's Basketball vs Ohio Wesleyan, WGRE Sports
Descolorido, Matthew Johnson
Diesel and Dust, Donald Koers
Disobedient Daughters, Disobedient Wives: How Women Pushed Against Restrictive Norms in Early Modern Japan, Drew McClellan '25
Dream Series No. 2, Kendra D. Roberts
Dream Visions, Mark Barrett
Dream Visions, Jared Howe
Dream Visions, Nadine Farid
Dream Visions, H. Coley
Dream Visions, Jared Howe
Dream Visions, Jared Howe
Dream Visions, Nadine Farid
Dream Visions, H. Coley
Driftwood, Eric Morse
Eccentricity, Leah A. Dunbar
Elephant Tree, Annette Melvin
Entries From the Journal of an Old Horse Thief, Harry Burgan
Fairy Kingdom, Anne Hunter
Field of the Winds, Dan Draheim
"Fish Thing", Dyan Padget
Five Minutes After Talking to Mom, Patrick Childress
For Father, Andy Prall
Former Poker Pro Reflects on a Life He Saw, Harry Burgan
from Sands of Idea, Scott Rencher
from Revenge, Julie Lanke
Front Cover: "Contemplation", Dyan Padget
Front Cover: Time Is Running Out, Dee Albin
Gas Station Blues, Hannah Buchanan
Gathering the Seeds, Lynn Wachtman
Generations, Holly Buchanan
Ghost Writer : A Story about Telling a Holocaust Story, Beth (Hawkins) Benedix
Giza: 25 mi, Chris Cercone
golden flesh (the interlude), Layla Brown-Clark
Gold Shoes, Jennifer Leach
Good Soil, Harry Burgan
Growth, Abby Downs
Haibun, to Hirozo, Emma von Werder
History of Midwestern Review, Jared Howe and Brant D. Rumble
Hooray, Andy Prall
Ice, Alejandro Flynn
If Salvador Dali Lived on a Farm Outside Wichita, Dan Draheim
I'm Alive, Steve Wright
Inauguration, Jared Howe
Industrial No. 2, Andrew Slipher
In Salt Lake City, Everyone and Everything is Queer*, Samuel Autman
Inside, Aly Willman
Inside Back Cover: "Untitled", Jonathan Clem
Inside Front Cover: "Untitled", Dan Alcantara
Inside View: A Call to Read this Magazine and Act on It, Jennifer Hartpence
Inside View: The Reality of the Appearance, Sheila McDermott
Intertropical Convergence Zone, Chris Cercone
Iowa, Andre Monserrat
[I stepped on red leaves], E. Morse
Jack of Diamonds, Annie Noland
Judith and Halofernes, Wendy Raber
Judith Jamison, Dee Albin
Killing Ilsa…, Jorg Bredendieck
La Corrida, Heather Heath
Landscape, Dan Alcantara
Layers, Abby Downs
Laying Down the Weapons, Terri Bennett
Lincoln Logs, Brent Johnson
loneliness at ten, Jill Brocksmith
Longing, Abel Bates
Marrying Buddha, Mana Kunimatsu
Mechteld 1973-1987, Corinne Arnold
Medieval Gate, Clara Waldthausen
Men's Basketball vs Wooster, Mac Wissell
Monitor, Cameron Sanford
Moonrise in Merrillville, Andy Prall
National Parks for Future Generations?: The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impacts on National Parks and Tourism, Colin Cummings '25
Nigel, Tom Ngujan
No Tresspassing, Brent Johnson
October 18, 1989, Michael Wallace
Ode to the Dunes, Jessie Myszka
On Day 6 We Sacrifice, Lynn Wachtman
[Overcast night], Matt Simpson
Passing on the Right, Amy Sputh
[passion eludes me], JACK _
Patch, Elizabeth Swift
Paths that Barely Crossed, Margery Stomne Seld
peach, Layla Brown-Clark
Personal Legacies of the American Empire: Witnessing the Rise of a Western Power in the Philippines, Christian S. Condo Gilkes '25
Photographs and Coffee, Jennifer Leach
Poetry, Jessie Myszka
Popping the Question, Alicia g. Kalista
Purple, Madeline Harper
"Real Men Don't Draft Women": How Housewives Turned America Right, Ella McWalter '25
Reluctant Theologians: Franz Kafka, Paul Celan, Edmond Jabes, Beth (Hawkins) Benedix
Review of "Queer Approaches in Musical Theatre" by Ryan Donovan, and "Race in American Musical Theatre" by Josephine Lee, Dennis Sloan
Review of "Shakespeare and Latinidad," Edited by Trevor Boffone and Carla Della Gatta, Dennis Sloan
Ripening of night, Kirsten Ellingsten
Roma, Kristin Haak
Roma, Kristin Haak
Sacrificial Rites, Marie Gurnon
sacrilege, Kristen Earhart
Scene One, Hannah Buchanan
Scissors, Andy Prall
Scribe, Sidonius Biscopes
Seeking Warmth, Julie Tippet
Self Portrait, Dyan Padgett
Self Portrait, Wendy Watt
Self Portrait, Matthew Wenc
Self Portrait, Kendra D. Roberts
Sexuality education, populism, and the promise of critical health education studies, Caitlin Howlett
She Said No, Brick House
Skull and Fruit, Josh Sutton
Spam, Anna Scheirich
Spit-Polished Poem, Jennifer DeWitt
Sports Reporters, WGRE Sports
Sports Reporters, WGRE Sports
Sprüz, Natalie Bryant
Stale, Anna Scheirich
State of the Castle Hardy-Opera, Ashley Hardy and DePauw Opera
Stepping beyong the light, Lynn Wachtman
Subverting Scriptures: Critical Reflections on the Use of the Bible, Beth (Hawkins) Benedix
Sunday, Anna Scheirich
Sunday Afternoon, Keith Borden
Thanks, Mariam Lobjanidze
The Bad Thing, Meredith White
The blonde-headed black boy, Rena Joy Dunbar
The Casting Out, Tom Ngujan
The Dance of the Guarani, Andy Prall
The day the chair collapsed, Jennifer Mayhew
The First Snow, Scott Rencher
The Great Beyond, Anna Scheirich
The Inception, David Mann
Their City, Eli Gray Nations
The Mask, Kendra Roberts
The Post-Pandemic Liberal Arts College: A Manifesto for Reinvention, Steve Volk and Beth (Hawkins) Benedix
The Ritz Bar in Paris, Ted Pigott
The Taste of Death, Vy Nguyen
Those Damn Covers, Dyan Padgett
Through Wagontire, Aly Willman
Tiger Talk, Mac Wissell
To the Lover of M. Butterfly, Sarah Martin
To the Surface, Holly Buchanan
Tower, Abby Downs
TV Room, Hannah Buchanan
t'Vrowtje No. 1, Dyan Padgett
Two Adopted Daughters, Jill Brocksmith
Two Poems, John McConnell
Uncovering Eden, Sarah Norman
Untitled, Matthew Tucker
Untitled, Brandon Davis
Untitled, Sina Scerba
Untitled, Mike Garrett
Untitled, Sarah Beth Roberson
Untitled, Braydon R. Harvey
Untitled, John Clem
Untitled, John Clem
"Untitled", Heidi Landgraf
"Untitled", Jessie Myszka
"Untitled", Jonathan Clem
"Untitled", Jonathan Clem
venus burning, Elizabeth Swift
Vogue Chanterelle, Kaylynn Gropp
Vol. 34. Iss. 1 [Full Issue], - -
Wage Against the Machine: How Women Took on Workplace Inequality, Kyah A. Rodkey '25
We Speed Along, Alicia g. Kalista
What Girls Are Made Of, Donald Koers
When There's Nothing Left To Say, Andre Monserrat
Within, Catherine Neville
Without Regret, Kirsten Ellingsten
Witness to an Execution, Mark Johnson
Woman, Clara Walthausen
Women at Twenty, Julie Lanke
Women's Basketball vs Denison, WGRE Sports
Women's Basketball vs Wooster, Cooper Benedict and Ethan Webster
World View: Some Random Thoughts From a Cultural Commuter, William Harman
World View: The Cranes of Hiroshima, Lisa Marie Foerster
"Wouters, Cornélie and Marie" in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Romantic-Era Women's Writing, Carrie F. Klaus
You Must Choose At Least One Race, Gabriela Guerrero-Martinez
Zion Shadows, Hannah Buchanan
Крушение, Eli Gray Nations